Gifts of Life are Born from the Risk of Vulnerability

Treatment by Jenn Fay, RScP
Hello Beloved Community, local & beyond,
I’ve been listening to a Brene Brown series. She talks much about vulnerability & living “‘wholeheartedly” & she
has truly inspired me. Her research is based on human
experience. She has found that those who are living the
happiest lives are allowing themselves to be vulnerable,
a most uncomfortable place for most of us. Yet, as you probably
know, the greatest gifts of Life are born from the risk of vulnerability,
like creativity, love, success, forgiveness, to name a few. I love her
vulnerability mantra: “Don’t shrink. Don’t puff up. Just stay on my
Sacred Ground.”
Prayer ~
There is Sacred Ground everywhere, for All of Life is Sacred.
Spirit Expresses through Life in form, knowing that every
Life is created in Divine Perfection.
As we accept our perceived human imperfections as Divine
Perfection, we relax into the Sweetest Love & the Grandest
sense of Support possible.
It is from this Support that we claim our deepest desires, knowing
they are Inspired by the Divine, for these desires are placed in our
Hearts just for us as we Live the Life of Spirit.
As Life unfolds with Greater Ease, gratitude fills us on every level.
Gratitude attunes us to see still more Wonder, causing a continuous
mantra of “Thank You!”
Even in the uncertainly of just what/who we are thanking, we are
Blessed. Even in the discomfort of being vulnerable, we are supported
beyond what we can imagine, for in showing up & being seen, in being
who we are, Life expands & the Universe applauds us.
It is from a place of Sheer Trust that we release our desires into the
Universal Law that knows the business of  “how” in manifesting that which
we focus on, our visions & dreams. We simply move our feet one step at
a time, knowing that if we trust who we are, reveal who we are, & leave
the rest to the Invisible Realm, All Is Well.
And so it is!
Trusting my perceived imperfections are Perfectly Orchestrated for my
Highest & Best Life ~

Treatment for March 7, 2016