It’s a Good Time for Prayer


Treatment by Tim Phares, RScP 

How did it get to be just two weeks before Christmas Eve?  And yet it felt like spring today.  Things are often not quite what we think they’ll be in our rational minds.   Yet we know that our thought creates our world.

We have had an interesting day involving keeping up with the news, taking care of one of our cats, and various other activities.  
So it’s a good time for prayer.
There is only One Life.  That Life is God’s life, that Life is perfect, and that Life is my life right now.
Knowing that that Life is in all, as all, through all, around all, It is the essence of everything that we are, that I am.  What it is, I am.  That aspect of Divine Mind that I focus on and put to work is mine.
And so, I know that Divine Order is showing up and Divine Right Action is occurring, even when I don’t see it.   I know that every event is a Divine reaction to an idea and that that reaction is in perfect order right now.  All is well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
I am thankful for this understanding, revealing, and knowing.  I am grateful for all the blessings that show up in my life as the unfolding of Divine Right Action. 
And I simply let it unfold, knowing that in God it is done perfectly now and always.
And so it is.
Treatment for December 10, 2015