My Memory and My Imagination as Sacred Elements of My Being

Treatment by Edward Preston, RScP


I’ve already started to write something about what has been the biggest thing in my life for the past 24 hours and the past 50 years and another that has been a biggest thing for just the past 24 hours.  I decided it would take me twelve pages and three hours to even begin to explain them to anyone else.  So, now I just start again, releasing the memories but exploring time in my life.


I know that time is just one dimension of my life.  Space adds three more dimensions.  Now memory raises me above the plane of these four dimensions so I can look down from above, in yet another dimension.  I share that dimension with God, Spirit, Mystery.  At my age, I love memories and celebrate one every time I have one.  I celebrate my life in Memory with God/Spirit.  My memory gives me a power that is Divine.  I recognize it as my Divine self, coming to bring all moments of my life into one place, one space, but many memories.  My memory allows me to transcend time moment by moment, Divinely.

I allow past and present to become One with memory.  I anchor myself in the present moment but I celebrate the past trillions of moments with memory.  I also accept that I have the power to celebrate the future trillions of moments with my imagination.  I blend them in my Mind, knowing that my past and my future are all present with me Now, in this moment.  I know this for all who are here with me now, reading this.  We are One with one another, and with our pasts and our futures, and we have the power to rise above and Divinely observe.

I realize my Mind works with Mystery, which is a Divine Union of my past and my future, but truly celebrated in the Present Moment, Divinely.  I accept my memory and my imagination as sacred elements of my Being and my Mind and all Mind.  In that Mind we all become One.  Some day, I know we will all be able to remember and imagine each other’s pasts and futures, as our own.  We are One.

I give thanks for this Oneness of Mind and Memory and Imagination.  We are all different in Memory and Imagination.   They are our power to express our Divinity in the beautiful chaos of just four dimensions.  As we rise above, and become One in a fifth dimension, observing our diversity of four dimensional memory and Imaginations, our variances become a space of wonder and celebration where we can just relax, and say “Thank you!” for the Divine space of five dimensions, where we truly do become One.

So, I release my time and space into a simple image that I either remember or imagine, moment by moment, as I rise above to experience this release of dimensions altogether and see it all in one flash moment, Now.  I release and rise to celebrate Divine Life as I know it only in a single moment.  I share and see all who read this as Divinely Observant from the Fifth Dimension.

And one day, I know we will all find several more dimensions to celebrate.  And so it is, Amen.


Treatment for March 9, 2015