Time Travel

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP

Albert Eisenstein thought Time doesn’t really exist.  He said “Time is just what keeps one d—m thing after another from becoming every d—m thing at once.”  For me, time is like thought, it is a product of the Mind, and very real.  I’ve done alot of time travel, just in the past week.  I went to the little town   of Washington, Michigan, to attend my 60th High School Reunion and visit old friends. I also got to visit the house that I grew up in from ages 8 to 21.   I saw friends from 60 to 70 years ago.  I sat in the dining room of my childhood home that had not changed in 70 years.  I toured nearby farms now turned to subdivision after subdivision.  Sometimes time ceased to exist, sometimes it became a monster wave breaking over me. And now I am home again in Virginia, acting like that’s all in the past.

So, pause now and just remember your own childhood and growing up.


I come now to celebrate my Mind of God.  It divinely invents and makes time real.  I look back across time to my childhood, God’s childhood, and it feels like looking across an ocean at a mysterious continent.  Christopher Columbus and I become one in time and space and Spirit, as I allow my mind to divinely recognize new moments as new continents.

I accept that my past and my future become one in my present moment.  The distant road from the past, and the mysterious path to the future, unify and become one right now in this spot where I am in this moment.

I realize I am now in my Present Moment, looking at the Sun and the blue sky.  Galileo and I share our space across time in Spirit.  I know almost as much about the sun and moon and stars as he did 400 years ago.   I realize time is real, a real Mystery.  It is a dimension of the Divine.

I say thank you Father Time for being part of my life.  It is my Present Moment that allows me to be so grateful for the vastness of Time, yet I celebrate that vastness with Eckhart Tolle who told me “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.”  Thank you Eckhart for being my Father Time

 So, I let it be.  The past and the future and the present moment are released into my Divine Mystery.  The past was real in this moment, and the future will be real right now. In the past, this present moment was the future.  In the future, this present moment will be the past.  I just let it all be One right Now.

And so it is.  Amen.

Treatment for October9, 2015