Ups and Downs of Life

Treatment by Ed Preston, RScP



Well, life has its ups and downs.  This week I’ve been down because of the Dallas shootings.  But, I had an up getting word that a hero of mine, Shariff Abdullah, has a new book trilogy coming out.  He taught about Nonviolent Communication years ago.  A good friend also went into surgery to have his bladder removed because of cancer.  A downer.  Yesterday he was pronounced “Cancer Free” so it’s up from here on.  And they all go on from here.


I sit here now just knowing that Divine Life has both Ups and Downs.  It is all God at work.  Sometimes we can’t see the good so we think “downer”.  Just as often, we see the Good and think, “Ah, an Up”.  I find my peace by simply recognizing and accepting it all as Divine, as God at work in our life here on this Earth.

Both the Ups and the Downs allow me to feel my Unity with others.  I am One with the people of Dallas; I am One with Shariff Abdullah, I am One with my friend, both before and after his surgery, who is again “Cancer free”.  And it goes on and on, my feeling my Oneness with everyone going through the Ups and Downs of life.  I accept that Oneness constantly.

I realize that both shock and joy connect me with those involved in either or both.  I focus on that sense of connection and rise above the Ups and Downs of life to just know that All is Good and All it God.

I gratefully accept those Ups and Downs, knowing that I have ways of becoming grateful for both.  I just accept my gratitude as deeply rooted in the Ups and Downs of life and I am just Grateful for Life, overall.  I simply say, thank you Spirit for the power of these words to bring Life to us all, knowing “these words” include “Up” and “Down” in life.

So, I release these words into the Law of the Universe, simply trusting that “Up” and “Down” are both Divine.

And so it is, Amen!

Treatment for July 9, 2016